Research Laboratories

The thematic research laboratories are divided between the building of the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences (ICEN); the Electrical Engineering and Computing building, linked to the Institute of Technology; and the Laboratory for Advanced Research in Information and Communication Technology (LABTIC).


I. Study Group on Computer Networks and Multimedia Communication (GERCOM)

Team of Teachers:Antônio Jorge Gomes Abelém, Eduardo Coelho Cerqueira, Denis Lima do Rosário, André Figueira Riker and Helder May Nunes da Silva Oliveira.


CNPq Group:

GERCOM was founded in June 2003 with the objective of developing and stimulating research in the area of ​​Computer Networks and Multimedia Communication in the Northern Region of Brazil. GERCOM's Infrastructure is maintained with projects and agreements. GERCOM students are distributed in two laboratories, one located in the LABTIC building and the other in the Electrical Engineering and Computer building.

Lines of research: Internet of the Future; Software Defined Networks; Information Centered Networks; Cloud Computing Technologies; Internet of Things (IoT); Wireless Networks; Blockchain/Distributed Logging Technology (DLT - Distributed Ledger Technology).

Over the past few years, in addition to national partnerships, GERCOM has been participating in cooperation projects with institutions outside the country, with emphasis on the INSaNE and HealthSense projects, approved in the notice of Coordinated Calls Brazil-United States (RNP-NSF) , which proposes to research the problem of security in modern home networks.

Prof. Antonio Jorge Gomes Abelém, who during 2020 carried out his post-doctoral internship at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, is also part of the NECOS project team, approved in the notice of Coordinated Calls Brazil-European Union in ICT, which addresses the limitations of current cloud computing infrastructures to respond to demand for new services.


II. Software Process Improvement: Development and Research (SPIDER)

Coordinator: Prof. Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira.


CNPq Group:

The SPIDER Project was institutionalized in 2009 at UFPA's Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences. One of the main focuses of this project is to present a survey of free software tools with adequate characteristics to enable the creation of work products (artifacts) derived from the expected results described in the process objectives of the MPS.BR (Brazilian Software Process Improvement) models ) and MPT.Br (Improvement of the Brazilian Test Process), in addition to the specific practices described in the objectives of the process areas of the CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) model, which evidence the implementation of the organizational quality program.

Research lines: Software Quality; Software Process Technology; Software Project Management; Information systems; Systematic review; Education in Software Engineering.

SPIDER maintains partnerships with the Centro de Informática and the research group ImPProS (Group of Software Development Processes), both from the Federal University of Pernambuco, with the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco and with various local companies, including public and private.


III. Visualization, Interaction and Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory (LabVis)

Team of Teachers: Bianchi Serique Meiguins, Nelson Cruz Sampaio Neto, Jefferson Magalhães de Morais and Carlos Gustavo Resque dos Santos.


CNPq Group:

LabVis was created in 2005 and its main characteristics are to work with innovative technologies, which enable the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge, and to develop applied products for the benefit of society. The LabVis team, which is physically divided into spaces located at the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences and the LABTIC building, researches in four major areas detailed below.

The information visualization area seeks new ways to understand and interact with large databases. With a strong interaction with the visualization of information, there is the area of ​​virtual and augmented reality, which seeks to provide users with new experiences integrated into their daily lives. The intelligent systems area, on the other hand, seeks to add value to technological products in decision-making and automated assessment. Finally, the area that works with unconventional interactions seeks to develop hardware and software products so that people with disabilities can more easily interact with computers and other equipment.

Lines of research: Information Visualization; Virtual and Augmented Reality; Image processing; Computer vision; Machine Learning; Written and Spoken Language Processing; Human-Computer Interaction; Assistive Technologies.

LabVis maintains partnerships with professors Marcelo de Paiva Guimarães (UNIFESP) and Maria Beatriz Alves de Sousa Santos (University of Aveiro, Portugal) in the areas of information visualization and virtual and augmented reality. In the areas of human-computer interaction and assistive technologies, LabVis has a long-standing partnership with the Center for Development in Assistive Technology and Accessibility (NEDETA), linked to the University of the State of Pará and coordinated by prof. Ana Irene Alves de Oliveira. Another important collaboration is established with the group led by prof. Maria Isabel Trancoso, senior researcher at the Human Language Technology Lab (INESC-ID Lisbon), which brings together people working with human language technologies and related applications.

Prof. Jefferson Magalhães de Morais spent a year between 2019 and 2020 at the University of Minho, Portugal, carrying out his post-doctoral work in identifying reference genes using opposing generator networks, under the supervision of prof. Orlando Beautiful.


IV. Software Engineering Laboratory (LABES)

Team of teachers:  Cleidson Ronald Botelho de Souza, Rodrigo Quites Reis, Carla Alessandra Lima Reis and Victor Hugo Santiago Costa Pinto.


CNPq Group:

The Software Engineering Laboratory at the Federal University of Pará (LABES-UFPA) was created in 2003, by professors Rodrigo Quites Reis and Carla Alessandra Lima Reis. It is linked to the Faculty of Computing of the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences and since 2013 it has been installed in the LABTIC building, on the Professional Campus of UFPA.

The main objective of LABES-UFPA is to encourage and deepen research in Software Engineering at the Federal University of Pará, especially in Software Process Management, providing support to those involved in the software development process and seeking practical solutions aligned with the needs of software industry with the use of state-of-the-art technologies to get the best results. In recognition of the work performed, LABES-UFPA was awarded twice (2006 and 2010) in the Dorgival Brandão Júnior Award for Quality and Productivity in Software, by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MCT).

LABES-UFPA develops projects in the areas of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, applied to decision making, software process improvement, analysis of social networks and public safety, in addition to the evolution of the WebAPSEE environment.

Research lines: Software Engineering; Software Process Improvement; Model MPS-BR Software; Software development; Innovation; Software quality; AI applied to software processes; Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW); Empirical Software Engineering; Collaborative Software Engineering.

As it is strongly project-oriented, it has a team in constant formation and its main source of resources comes from research projects financed by entities that support the development of science, technology and innovation. The laboratory has worked and works in collaboration with several national and international educational institutions and seeks to maintain partnerships with the local, regional and national software industry.


V. Security and Applied Cryptography Laboratory (LabSC)

Coordinator: Prof. Roberto Samarone dos Santos Araújo.

The Security and Applied Cryptography Laboratory (LabSC) was created in 2011 and is located at the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences. The LabSC aims to develop and promote research in computer security, cryptographic protocols and their applications, to solve problems in the most diverse areas of computing. Through its research, LabSC aims to train qualified professionals in the security area as well as the development of technologies that can make government agencies and private companies safer.

Lines of research: Computational Security; Cryptographic Protocols; Safe Digital Voting; Network Security; Privacy.


VI. Laboratory of Applied Artificial Intelligence (LAAI)

Team of Teachers: Dionne Cavalcante Monteiro, Filipe de Oliveira Saraiva and Lídio Mauro Lima de Campos.


CNPq Group:

The Laboratory of Applied Artificial Intelligence - Laboratory of Applied Artificial Intelligence (LAAI) - is a research center at the Federal University of Pará, headquartered at the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences, which develops studies related to topics of artificial and computational intelligence applied to various problems faced. by society.

Research lines: Metaheuristics applied to combinatorial optimization problems; Artificial intelligence distributed with multi-agent systems; Development of intelligent algorithms for electrical distribution systems and smart grids.

The laboratory articulates partnerships with the Intelligent Electric Networks Group (GREI) of the Federal University of Ceará, the Electrical Energy Systems Analysis Laboratory (LASEE) of the University of São Paulo, and the Power Systems Management with Related Information Exchange (PSMIX) group ) of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden. LAAI receives funding from UFPA, CAPES and CNPq through scientific initiation and master's scholarships offered by the institutions.


VII. Human Interaction with Technologies Research Group (HIT)

Team of Teachers: Marcelle Pereira Mota and Fabiola Pantoja Oliveira Araújo.


CNPq Group:

The HIT research group (Human Interaction with Technologies Research Group) was founded on October 15, 2019 and is located at the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences. Currently, the group is formed by two researchers and 14 students, 10 of them undergraduate and 4 master. The research carried out by the group involves studies on human-computer interaction related to communicability, accessibility and information technology in education.

Research lines: Database; Semiotic Engineering; Informatics in Education; Human-Computer Interaction; Data Mining; Assistive Technologies; Voice.

The group's projects are related to accessibility issues, such as the project "Discovering Guidelines for Accessible and Adaptable Games", which is being funded by FAPESPA. Other researches are being carried out through projects such as "Assessment of User Experience in Human-Computer Interaction using Emotions". In addition, prof. Fabíola Araújo coordinates the project "Meninas Pai d'égua", a partner of the Digital Girls Program, promoted by the SBC (Brazilian Computer Society) with the objectives of arousing interest and promoting the inclusion of high school students in careers in the field of Computing and Exact Sciences, in addition to encouraging undergraduate students in Computing courses through participation in research and extension projects in the cities of Belém and Castanhal.


VIII. Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing Laboratory (LaBioCAD)

Team of Teachers: Regiane Silva Kawasaki Francês, Josivaldo de Souza Araújo and Vinícius Augusto Carvalho de Abreu.


CNPq Group:

The research group LaBioCAD (Laboratory of Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing) was founded in 2016 and is located at the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences. Currently, the group is formed by three researchers and undergraduate (06), master (06) and doctoral (01) students. The research carried out by the group involves studies on High Performance Computing, Bioinformatics and Forensic Computing.

Research lines: High Performance Computing; Parallel Programming; Bioinformatics; Computational Biology; Computer Forensics; Artificial Intelligence.


IX. Smart and Sustainable Cities Laboratory (LaCiS)

Team of Teachers: Denis Lima do Rosário, Antônio Jorge Gomes Abelém, Eduardo Coelho Cerqueira and Helder May Nunes da Silva Oliveira.


CNPq Group:

LaCiS is an emerging research group in Computer Science at UFPA, created in 2019 and registered in the CNPQ group directory, and located at the University Campus of Guamá/UFPA, occupying an area of ​​50 m2. LaCiS's primary point is to enable synergy between the areas of data dissemination, smart cities, cloud and fog computing, wireless communication, mobility and data analysis for smart and humanized city applications. The research group is emerging and formed by researchers and undergraduate and graduate students from the Institutes of Technology and Exact and Natural Sciences at UFPA, as well as with the collaboration of researchers from other institutions. It is important to highlight that LaCiS has researchers from different age groups, institutions, areas of knowledge and training, thus allowing a high capacity for scientific, technological and innovation production.


X. UFPA Free Software Competence Center (CCSL-UFPA)

Teachers Team: Filipe de Oliveira Saraiva, Gustavo Henrique Lima Pinto, Cleidson Ronald Botelho de Souza and Victor Hugo Santiago Costa Pinto


CNPq Group:

The CCSL-UFPA is a research, extension and development center on topics related to free software in general, among which the following stand out: support for the dissemination, use, contribution and development of free software projects; courses on free technologies; free license application development; studies on social dynamics in free software communities; study on aspects of free software project management; analysis of technological implications in contemporary society.

Lines of Research: Software Analysis and Development; Software Engineering for Free Software; Critical Studies on Technology and Society.


XI. Data Intelligence Laboratory (LID)

Team of Professors: Reginaldo Santos, Claudomiro de Souza de Sales Junior.

CNPq Group:

The Data Intelligence Laboratory (LID) is a center of excellence dedicated to research and application of advanced artificial intelligence and data analysis techniques. Founded in 2022, LID aims to develop new technologies under the umbrella of Artificial Intelligence and provide intelligent systems based on machine learning, data science, information visualization, data mining, heuristics, metaheuristics, and multimodal optimization. At LID, machine learning algorithms are developed to extract information from large volumes of data. This information can be used to make more informed decisions, predict trends, optimize processes, and solve problems in various fields of knowledge. Finally, the laboratory is committed to using the best international scientific practices to develop its scientific work, as well as to train excellent human resources.
Research lines: artificial intelligence, natural language processing, computer vision, data mining, data science, optimization with deterministic and non-deterministic population-based algorithms.