Resolution N°. 3.870 – July 1, 2009

Establishes the General Regiment of Stricto Sensu Graduate Programs offered by UFPA.


Program’s Regiment

Rules of the Academic Masters and Doctorate Programs of the PPGCC.


Resolution PPGCC 01/2022 – January 31, 2022

Resolution that defines the intellectual production requirements for the defenses of master's and doctoral students from the Graduate Program in Computer Science at UFPA.


Proficiency Rules in a Foreign Language

Rules for registering credits in foreign language proficiency at the PPGCC.


Guidelines for the Teaching Internship Program

Guidelines for the Teaching Internship, in line with Resolution N°. 73/2010 - CAPES and with the PPGCC internal regulations


Resolution PPGCC N° 01/2021 – April 29, 2021 – RECTIFIED

Resolution that establishes new criteria for the admission and permanence of professors in the teaching staff of the PPGCC.


Resolution PPGCC 01/2024 – April 03, 2024

Resolution that establishes criteria for granting and maintaining scholarships to the student body of the Master's and Doctorate Course of the Graduate Program in Computer Science at UFPA.


Resolution PPGCC Nº 02/2024 – April 28, 2024

Resolution that establishes the rules for using the resources of the Postgraduate Support Program (PROAP) within the scope of the PPGCC.