Registrations extended: until 12 PM on November 3rd, 2024.
The Graduate Program in Computer Science at UFPA announces the selection notice for Special Students 2024.2. This notice allows interested parties to take isolated courses from the program and use them for various purposes, such as professional development or credit transfer if the student is later accepted as a Regular Student in Master’s or PhD selection processes.
Interested parties should access the form available on SIGAA from October 31st at 8 AM until November 1st at 6 PM. Each candidate may indicate up to 3 courses they wish to take. Candidates will be allocated to available spots in their chosen courses, in order of registration, with priority given to current special students with no failures.
After filling the spots, selected candidates will need to pay a registration fee on the FADESP system. The fee depends on the number of courses the candidate enrolls in, and students registered in the CadÚnico system with an updated registration can participate for free.
Access the full notice for complete information about the process. The program's website has a page with the calendar and syllabi for available courses.
Attention: candidates who participated in the last process and were unable to register through SIGAA must send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject "special student," including their full name and the three courses they would like to try to enroll in, from October 31st at 8 AM to November 1st at 6 PM.
1st call result
List of registrants (sent receipts and new entries)