Research Line: Computational Intelligence and Data Science



  • Aldebaro Barreto da Rocha Klautau Jr
  • Bianchi Serique Meiguins
  • Carlos Gustavo Resque dos Santos
  • Claudomiro de Souza de Sales Junior
  • Felipe de Oliveira Saraiva
  • Lídio Mauro Lima de Campos
  • Jeffersom Magalhães de Morais
  • Nelson Cruz Sampaio Neto
  • Gustavo Pessim
  • Reginaldo Cordeiro dos Santos Filho
  • Ronnie Cley de Oliveira Alves
  • Vinicius Augusto Carvalho de Abreu

This research line focuses on the study and development of advanced computational methods for modeling, analyzing, and solving complex problems. Its researchers explore techniques in artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, data science, large language models (Large Language Models), advanced statistics, model interpretation (Explainable AI), chain of thought (Chain of thought), optimization, metaheuristics, and hyperheuristics, applying this knowledge in areas such as health, security, education, bioinformatics, business, environment, and intelligent systems.

Additionally, the research investigates the creation and application of algorithms for knowledge extraction from large volumes of data, enabling predictions, decision support, and the discovery of non-trivial information. The line also addresses ethical practices in the use of artificial intelligence and data, honesty in information visualization, and contemporary challenges associated with AI.

Researchers in this line are trained to develop new artificial intelligence models, always guided by scientific rigor and ethics, ensuring compliance with legislation related to the use of public and private databases. The ultimate goal is to train professionals capable of addressing the challenges and opportunities of data science and computational intelligence responsibly, without bias, and innovatively.


Research Line: Computing Systems



  • Antônio Jorge Gomes Abelém
  • André Figueira Riker
  • Denis Lima do Rosário
  • Eduardo Coelho Cerqueira
  • Helder May Nunes da Silva Oliveira
  • Marcos Tulio Amaris González
  • Roberto Samarone dos Santos Araújo
  • Josivaldo de Souza Araújo

This research line addresses topics in Computer Networks, High-Performance Computing, and Cybersecurity. Regarding Computer Networks, researchers focus on developing solutions for the Internet of Things, Vehicular Networks, Software-Defined Networks, 5G and 6G mobile networks, Open RAN, Blockchains, Federated Learning, Secure Machine Learning, and the detection and mitigation of network attacks.


Regarding High-Performance Computing, researchers develop research in the area of Parallel Programming Teaching, Performance Analysis, Sustainability in HPC and Cloud Platforms, Study and Development of Parallel Codes in Parallel Architectures.

In Cybersecurity, research involves various topics such as cryptography, cryptographic protocols, secure digital voting, E-Health, Blockchain, and the privacy and security of applications.


Research Line : Software Engineering and Interaction

Professors :

  • Cleidson Ronald Botelho de Souza
  • Fabiola Pantojo Oliveira Araújo
  • Gustavo Henrique Lima Pinto
  • Marcelle Pereira Mota
  • Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira
  • Victor Hugo Santiago Costa Pinto

The Software Engineering and Interaction research line investigates methods, techniques, and tools for the development, evaluation, and improvement of software systems, considering technical, human, and social aspects. It covers topics such as requirements, architecture, quality, implementation, as well as methods for designing and evaluating interactive systems.

The software engineering area focuses on new methods and techniques for software development, tools for building software, and empirical studies of software engineering work. Thus, this area aims to investigate and develop methods, techniques, and tools related to software system development, concerning the different activities of the software engineering process.

In the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) area, the interaction between people and computational artifacts is investigated. It is an interdisciplinary area because it involves all aspects related to the interaction between users and computer systems, supporting research in various fields related to Computing, Social Sciences, and Humanities. HCI research aims to provide explanations for user-system interaction phenomena, in addition to results for interaction design.

Additionally, the line includes studies on collaboration, usability, user experience (UX), and the social and ethical impact of computational systems. Projects developed in this line seek to provide innovative and sustainable solutions to real-world challenges, contributing to the advancement of research and practical application in various contexts.


Research Line: Computing Education and Society


  • Fabiola Pantoja Oliveira Araújo
  • Filipe de Oliveira Saraiva
  • Josivaldo de Souza Araújo
  • Sandro Ronaldo Bezerra Oliveira
  • Vinicius Augusto Carvalho de Abreu

The research line in Computing Education and Society of the Graduate Program in Computing at UFPA focuses on examining the teaching and learning of Computing as a science. Situated in the Amazonian context, the proposal seeks to identify aspects of Computing Education and Society, understanding how technologies, tools, and educational approaches to Computing knowledge can be developed, used, and evaluated, respecting the social, cultural, and environmental particularities of the region.

In the national scenario, training technically competent professionals is no longer sufficient. It is essential to prepare engaged, critical, and empowered citizens, capable of understanding, teaching, and evaluating Computing learning. Methodologies in Computing education, educational technologies, curriculum development, assessment, and learning in Computing, inclusion, and diversity are explored to foster technical aspects, promoting a broad and up-to-date education in the society we live in today.

Another crucial aspect is the study of the social and cultural implications of technologies in the Amazonian context. Phenomena such as digital exclusion, technological dependence, transformations in human relationships, and impacts on the labor market are analyzed from regional specificities. More than facing challenges, this line highlights the potential of technologies to promote digital inclusion, strengthen communities, and democratize access to information and knowledge.

The line gains special relevance in the Amazonian context, a region marked by its biodiversity and cultural richness. The unique challenges of the region demand innovative and sustainable technological solutions. Environmental preservation, respect for traditional knowledge, and the promotion of digital inclusion are guiding principles of this line, which seeks to develop technologies aligned with local conditions and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus, the research not only contributes to the advancement of science and technology but also plays a transformative role in building a more just, inclusive, and sustainable society.