The Graduate Program in Computer Science at UFPA announces the selection notice for Special Students 2024.1. This notice allows interested individuals to take isolated courses from the program and use them for various purposes, such as professional development or credit transfer if the student is accepted as a Regular Student in selection notices for the Master's and/or Ph.D. programs.

The interested public must access the form available on SIGAA from March 4 at 8:00 AM until March 5 at 6:00 PM. Each candidate can select up to 3 courses they wish to take. Candidates will then be allocated to the available spots in the selected courses in the order of registration, with priority given to current special students without failed courses.

After the spots are filled, selected candidates must make a payment for the application fee through the FADESP system. The fee varies depending on the number of courses the candidate occupies, and those registered in CadÚnico with an updated registration can participate for free.

Access the selection notice for complete information about the process. The program's website has a page with the calendar and syllabus of the available courses.