The Graduate Program in Computer Science announces the selection notice for the Master's and Doctorate PADT - Support Program for the Qualification of Faculty and Administrative Technical Staff at UFPA.
Faculty and administrative technical staff of the institution who are seeking qualification at the master's or doctorate level can apply.
Applications can be made through SIGAA and will be open until June 28 August 16.
Complete information, including necessary documents and others, is available in the Selection Notice PADT 2024.2.
Preliminary and Final Result of the Application Homologation (Master's) - published on 08/20/2024 (no appeal)
Preliminary and Final Result of the Application Homologation (Doctorate) - published on 08/20/2024 (no appeal)
- Preliminary Result of the Selection (Master's) - published on 09/10/2024 (appeal phase open until 09/12/2024)
Preliminary Result of the Selection (Doctorate) - published on 09/10/2024 (appeal phase open until 09/12/2024)